Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!!! {Family Christmas Card Photos}

This year's Christmas photo shoots :) And a few tips/ideas from our experience when taking family Christmas card photos:

+ props. It's an easy photo shoot when you have props (SNOW!!!) for kids (and you can see here) doesn't matter where they look or what they do...they'll look super cute!!! Only downfall...I now have a bunch of white confetti on my front porch...
+ clothes. Bundle them up in colors/layers/ helps make the image pop~
+ aperture. I'm always tempted to have it wide open...especially when my 35mm can go down to f/1.4. I needed the kids in focus...but still wanted the snow to look like it was coming at me (blurred). This was shot at f/3.2, 1/60 s, ISO 100.

+ location. This photo was taken at the base of Chino Hills State Park. I recommend it--though the sun sets can still find lovely lighting!!! I love coming was one of my first discoveries a couple years back. You know you love taking pictures when you drive around aimlessly looking for a good photo location :) 
+ level. Have parents get on their child's level...i love the picture of Team Lee (top right)'s just cute!!! 
+ accessorize. Scarf & mittens, of course!

+ nap. Make sure the kids take a nap!!! ^ did not take my own advice...
+ colors. It doesn't always have to be so matchy-matchy~ Though this color scheme was not planned...I  just made sure everyone had a different shade on...sometimes it just works. (And don't buy new threads/outfit/anything for the hubby...he's just not as into as you are ^_*)
+ expectations. I kept telling Lynn {of L&M}..."just one good one." Be realistic...a photoshoot with a cranky toddler & uncooperative infant will not generate dozens of beautiful photos. We had 2 decent I used for our Christmas card...the other on Facebook!


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{ the scoop }

Come get your doublescoop for the day! We are simply photo hobbyist taking pictures of life & friends. L&M is not a photography business. Thank you! <3

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